This is an informal discussion of the EUROMETROS policy on access and contributions. A formal statement of NPL's policy with respect to the EUROMETROS website is given in the terms and conditions.


Software copyright, licensing and intellectual property rights are delicate issues. There are problems with making in-house software available publicly - even if you want to give it away. We want to avoid these issues as far as possible, by allowing the contributor as much freedom as possible.

This is our general approach:

  • We want EUROMETROS only to provide access to material that is contributed, not to make claims over the material, and indeed we do not want any intellectual property rights over the software or other material.
  • We will respect any copyright statement on the material, but obviously the copyright on any contribution must allow it to be used on the website.
  • We do not want to be involved in licensing software contributed to EUROMETROS. Software distributions to be downloaded from the website can include licensing conditions but the website will not "police" these conditions.

Contributions: not software

For contributions that are not software (e.g. guidance material, case studies, specifications), the intellectual property rights remain with the originator.

The contribution should contain a copyright statement saying how the document may be distributed and reproduced. If the contributor wants to make no copyright restrictions, it would be helpful if this was made clear in the contribution, with a statement such as:

This is the work of <originator's name>, it may be freely distributed and reproduced in full, or in part.

Contributions: software

There are two main ways that EUROMETROS gives access to contributed software: the software may be downloaded directly from the website, or the website contains a link (to another website or an email address) that the user must follow to obtain the software. Other methods of access may be possible and can be discussed with the EUROMETROS maintainers.

In all cases the intellectual property rights over the software do not change: the software remains the intellectual property of the originator.

Direct download

If the software is going to be available for download from the website the user will not be charged to obtain the software. The software and associated documentation should include a copyright statement covering how the software can be copied, or a statement as above if there are no restrictions.

The software distribution can also include a licence, detailing restrictions on how the software can be used and what can be done with the code (source code or executable). The licence may restrict the organisations that use the software, and may restrict whether it can be used as part of a commercial product. These restrictions must be reasonable and we may refuse a contribution if the licence restrictions are not compatible with the aims of EUROMETROS. NPL will not be responsible for breaches of the licence by users; enforcing the licence will be the responsibility of the owner of the software.

Indirect access to software

If the software is not to be available directly from the website then the contribution needs to include a description of the software and details of how or where to obtain the software. The material contributed for the website should include a copyright statement as above and can also explain the copyright and licensing restrictions on the software.

The terms and conditions (including copyright and licensing) that apply to the user in obtaining the software by following the link from the website are a matter for the supplier of the software. NPL will not be a party to the contract to obtain the software. Again, if the terms and conditions for obtaining or using the software appear to be incompatible with the aims of EUROMETROS, we may refuse a contribution.


Whatever is contributed to EUROMETROS will not change the ownership of intellectual property. Material (including software) to be available from the website should include a statement of copyright. Software directly or indirectly available from EUROMETROS may include licensing (and other) restrictions: the restrictions must be compatible with the aims of the website but NPL cannot enforce these restrictions.