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Searched for Implementations : 75 matches
DASL B1DPE: Fortran routine to give the derivative of a periodic spline
DASL B1FE: Fortran routine to construct a spline that is the least squares fit to data
DASL B1FLE: Fortran routine to construct a parametric spline that is the least square ...
DASL B1FPE: Fortran routine to construct a periodic spline that is the least square ...
DASL B1FPLE: Fortran routine to construct a parametric periodic spline that is the ...
DASL B1IE: Fortran routine to create a spline that interpolates data
DASL B1ILE: Fortran routine to create a parametric spline that interpolates data ...
DASL B1IPE: Fortran routine to create a periodic spline that interpolates data
DASL B1IPLE: Fortran routine to create a parametric periodic spline that interpolates ...
DASL B1QPE: Fortran routine to provide the integral of a periodic spline
DASL B1SDPE: Fortran routine to give the standard error of the derivative of a fitted ...
DASL B1SPE: Fortran routine to give the standard error of a fitted periodic spline
DASL B1SQPE: Fortran routine to give the standard error of the integral of a periodic ...
DASL B1VLE: Fortran routine to evaluate a parametric spline
DASL B1VPE: Fortran routine to evaluate a periodic spline
DASL B1VPLE: Fortran routine to evaluate a parametric periodic spline
DASL B2DPTE: Fortran routine to give the derivative, with respect to the periodic ...
DASL B2DPZE: Fortran routine to give the derivative, with respect to the non-periodic ...
DASL B2DXE: Fortran routine to give the derivative, with respect to the first variable ...
DASL B2DYE: Fortran routine to give the derivative, with respect to the second ...
DASL B2FE: Fortran routine to construct a spline surface that is the least squares fit ...
DASL B2FPE: Fortran routine to create a periodic spline surface that is the least ...
DASL B2FPRE: Fortran routine to construct a periodic spline surface that is the least ...
DASL B2FRE: Fortran routine to construct a spline surface that is the least squares ...
DASL B2IPRE: Fortran routine to construct a periodic spline surface that interpolates ...
DASL B2IRE: Fortran routine to create a spline surface that interpolates data given on ...
DASL B2VPRE: Fortran routine to evaulate a periodic spline surface
DASL B2VRE: Fortran routine to evaluate a spline surface
DASL T2FLE: Fortran routine to construct a polynomial surface that is the least square ...
DASL T2VLE: Fortran routine to evaluate a polynomial surface
LSGE fg2dcircle: MatLab routine to evaluate the function-and-gradient for the distance ...
LSGE fg3dcircle: MatLab routine to evaluate the function-and-gradient for the distance ...
LSGE fgcone: MatLab routine to evaluate the function-and-gradient for the distance of ...
LSGE fgcylinder: MatLab routine to evaluate the function-and-gradient for the distance ...
LSGE fgsphere: MatLab routine to evaluate the function-and-gradient for the distance ...
LSGE fgtorus: MatLab routine to evaluate the function-and-gradient for the distance of ...
LSGE ls2dcircle: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of circle in the plane to data
LSGE ls2dline: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of line in the plane to data
LSGE ls3dcircle: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of circle in 3D to data
LSGE ls3dline: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of line in 3D to data
LSGE lscone: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of cone to data
LSGE lscylinder: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of cylinder to data
LSGE lsplane: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of plane to data
LSGE lssphere: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of sphere to data
LSGE lstorus: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of torus to data
NAG Excel Circle fit - least squares: Excel routine to find least-square fit of circle ...
NAG Fortran Circle fit - least squares: Fortran routine to find least-square fit of ...
NAG Fortran Distance to circle (2D): Fortran routine to calculate the distance of a ...
NAG Fortran Non-linear least-square solver: Fortran routine to find the least-squares ...
NAG/MINPACK Fortran Non-linear least-square solver: Fortran routine to find the least ...
NPL MatLab circle2d: MatLab routine to find least-square fit of circle in the plane to ...
NPL XGENLINE: MatLab routine to find least-square polynomial of fit to data, given ...
NPL XLGENLINE: Excel software to find least-square polynomial of fit to data, given ...
NPLFit B1DEK: Fortran routine to calculate the derivative of a B-spline series with ...
NPLFit B1L1E: Fortran routine to construct a spline that is the fit in the l-one norm ...
NPLFit B1LIE: Fortran routine to construct a spline that is the fit in the l-inf norm ...
NPLFit B1QE: Fortran routine to calculate the integral of a B-spline series with ...
NPLFit B1SDEK: Fortran routine to evaluate the standard uncertainties in the values of ...
NPLFit B1SEV: Fortran routine to evaluate the standard uncertainties in the values of ...
NPLFit B1SQEV: Fortran routine to evaluate the standard uncertainties of the integral ...
NPLFit B1VEV: Fortran routine to evaluate a spline function
NPLFit L2: Fortran routine to find the least-squares solution of a linear system of ...
NPLFit LINF: Fortran routine to find the least minimax (lĄ) solution of a linear ...
NPLFit LONE: Fortran routine to find the least ``l1'' solution of a linear system of ...
NPLFit T1DEK: Fortran routine to differentiate a Chebyshev series with respect to the ...
NPLFit T1L1E: Fortran routine to construct a polynomial that is the fit in the l-one ...
NPLFit T1L2E: Fortran routine to construct a polynomial that is the least squares fit ...
NPLFit T1LIE: Fortran routine to construct a polynomial that is the fit in the l-inf ...
NPLFit T1QE: Fortran routine to calculate the indefinite integral of a polynomial
NPLFit T1SDEK: Fortran routine to evaluate the standard uncertainties in the values of ...
NPLFit T1SEV: Fortran routine to calculate the standard uncertainties in the values of ...
NPLFit T1SQEV: Fortran routine to evaluate the standard uncertainties in the values of ...
NPLFit T1VEV: Fortran routine to evaluate a polynomial, given by Chebyshev representation.
Wichmann-Hill random number generator - Ada: (see algorithm)
Wichmann-Hill random number generator - C: (see algorithm)